Monday, July 13, 2009

VBS - Day 1

I wasn't sure if I was gonna make it... but I made it! This is the first time I have done a structured VBS with such a large number of kids. I helped with VBS during the summer before my senior year in Turberville, VA and I was in charge of elementary crafts and music... It was a lot of fun.
I have an awesome person who helped me today. Jennifer was such a HUGE help. I believe her and I work well together. She helped me get my thoughts together and help me back on track when I forgot something and she did it tactfully so it did make me feel bad or make me look bad in front of the kids and the other teachers.
The age group that we are working with this week is completed Pre-K4. We had 7 groups (each group containing between 10-16 kids) and we had 20 minutes with each group. It went by quickly we had just enough music, movements and motions for the time given us. It was a very good day, but I must admit, I am exhausted.
I was very nervous about doing this. I had felt that maybe I had made a mistake and I wasn't supposed to do this, but after the third group I was more confident in what I was doing. I received a compliment from one of the parents and it made me feel very good about what I was doing. I did make one mistake though.. I told the kids that the daily Bible verse was "God Loved us and He gave His only Son, Jesus." 1 John 4:9 but it was the unit verse for the week. The actual verse was "Grow in what you know about Jesus." 2 Peter 3:18... oops. After the 4th group I made sure I said it right. :)
We had great kids and they were very excited and full of engery. I had one little girl, who I really didn't know that well, today was the first time that I had met her, had come up to me a hugged me and said "Thank you!" That about me me cry, she was so sweet. Anyway, I am done for now. :)

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